Downtown Rotary Club of Palestine, Texas Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of Every Month at 5:30 pm
at the Redlands Meeting Room, 400 N. Queen Street, Palestine, TX 75801
Social Happy Hour at 5pm at Queen Street Bar (cash bar), across the hall from the meeting room before each meeting.
<div>Rotary in Action</div>
With Downtown Rotary Club of Palestine, we strive to make our time count!
We meet 2x per month and have a community based project once per month.
Reach out via email or DM on facebook to learn how you can join the Downtown Rotary Club of Palestine, Texas to make new friends, make a difference and #GoRotary!
<div>Rotary Club of Palestine Texas Downtown</div>
We delivered more than 50 personal sized first aid kits and a trunk load of food to Hope Station to aid them in their mission. Charlene Watson, Debbie Wacha and Sloan Shuffler were on hand to deliver. Thank you to all who helped!